
Tips & Tricks Tuesdays: Out with the Google, in with the Bloglovin'.... Claiming your blog on Bloglovin'

9:15:00 PM

Sew at Home Mummy

As some of you may have heard, Google Reader is being discontinued. If you follow a Blogger blog, you can read recent posts from all followed blogs in one spot (an 'aggregate reader') on Google Reader.

As of July 2013, this aggregate will no longer exist.

So, people are turning to alternative aggregate readers - Bloglovin' just happens to be one of them.

I really like Bloglovin' - I receive an email in my inbox daily with my 'feed' of most recent posts of all of the blogs I follow, all in one spot. You get a little snippet and a picture from each blog post; you can click on the post and it brings you to the full post in a Bloglovin' window.

On Friday I had this sudden barrage of emails in my inbox, informing me that different people were now following me on Bloglovin'.

So far I think I've had 60+ emails over the last 4 day - holy cow!

Here's the problem:

I like to follow you back. But - as far as I can tell - if you haven't "claimed" your blog on your Bloglovin' account, your blog isn't linked to your profile, and thus, I can't find your blog to follow you.

Here's how to fix that.

1. Go to Bloglovin.com. Login to your account (or create an account if you haven't done so already.)

2. Click on the "Account" drop down in the top right corner:

3. Click on the "My Blog" option:

4. On the "My Blog" page, click, "Claim Blog":

 5. In the dialogue box that appears, paste your blog url address:

(in this example I inserted one of my Bee's addresses:)

 6. Click on the icon of your blog that appears. The following dialogue box will then appear:

7. Copy the code in the box which appears, and then in a separate window head over to your blog and insert it in the top of a new post. Publish the post. Go back to the Bloglovin' window with the above dialogue box displayed, and click "Claim Blog".

That's it!

You have to put the link in a post so that Bloglovin' can verify that indeed, you are the author, before linking your blog to your Bloglovin' account.

There's another Tips and Tricks post below - where you can link up, if you like!


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  1. Thanks you so much for this info - off to do a post right away!

  2. Your like my computer queen! I am having trouble with my family blog, bloglovin' says it can't find it, I tried to set my preferences anyhoo any advice would be welcome, I will work on it some more.

  3. I'm your newest follower after finding your blog link over at NissaMade. Thanks for the tips on Bloglovin. I'm always last to hear of changes and it was only yesterday I heard about Google reader coming to an end. In fact I didn't even know about google reader and have just found out how good it is. LOLLLL Too late. I'm still confused as to what will happen when google reader goes and how it will affect my followers and the blogs I follow. Can you shed any light on the subject for me. Thanks

  4. Thnx Erin...will hop on the bandwagon soon!

  5. Thanks for this post...Those of us who don't have a clue appreciate help from those who do!

  6. Just wondering if there's any point in doing this if I'm using Feedly? Will it help out my readers who use Bloglovin'? Can i do this without using it myself? I'm kind of reluctant to set up yet another account...!

  7. Thanks for the tips! Keep em comin'!

  8. Hey Erin, Thanks for the bloggy tips. I actually found you by way of a link for the My Machine blog hop, so this was kind of just a bonus! cheers, Claire W.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. thanks for the tips i have just done this and followed you at the same time now i want to settle down and find out what you are up to and ..............more tips i am sure thanks

  11. thanks for the tip. i had heard of "claiming your blog" but i guess i thought just having a bloglovin account did that. maybe i can get a few more followers now. i do have regulars that comment, but they must be following me some other way. thanks again for the tip.


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I like to email everyone back when they've commented - so if you're a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can share the love back atcha!